LUKAS mounted points are a premium grinding tool with a long life delivering high stock removal when machining cast materials. Perfect for effective rough processing. Often used when fettling, preparing and reworking weld seams. Deburring is of course a major application.

Grinding covers a broad range of processes from rough grinding to fine machining. This requires mounted points that deliver the right balance of machining performance and tool life. Manufacturing quality mounted points involves knowing the conditions in which the tools will be used. Selecting the correct raw materials is imperative. In addition, an understanding of how to combine them so the right specification can be recommended.

The makeup of the various types of cast materials are normally determined by their carbon content. Also, in the way in which the carbon is removed from the material structure. Cast materials are generally rough machined. The skin contains pieces of sand from the casting process. Large burrs, sprues and risers, holes and cracks must all be removed by grinding. These areas are often difficult to reach.

Application examples for machining cast materials

Deburring         Fettling         Polishing         Finish grinding of welds         Removing holes and cracks


Manufacturers of cast components such as engine blocks, gear box casings, cylinder heads. Used also for frames, stands, machine slides, gears, crankshafts, pump and turbine housings, machine tool components and many more.

machining cast materials                             machining cast materials                            machining cast materials

LUKAS mounted points for machining cast materials contain special grain mixtures and tough bonding systems for machining cast materials. In turn, delivering excellent performance in the applications mentioned above. The aggressiveness of the abrasive grain and the smooth running of the mounted points allow for ergonomic machining. This means that only the weight of the machine needs to be applied when grinding. Mounted points with extended shanks are also available on request.

For full details relating to Lukas mounted points, please click here.

Please contact Kayson Green’s head office or your Kayson Green technical sales representative for more details.

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